The children of Kilcummin National School have been very busy this week during Science week. Ms. Sheehan's class were very busy conducting the celery experiment and making shadows.
Ms. McCarthy's class had a very busy week conducting three experiments. They made raisins dance, conducted the rainbow skittle's experiment and last but not least they made a volcano.
Here is Shane O' Sullivan's excellent robot.
Senior Infants were busy investigating what happens to raisins when placed in a fizzy drink.
We guessed what we thought might happen.
Some boys and girls thought the raisins would float, others thought they would sink.
We set up our experiment using raisins, water, 7-up and plastic glasses.
We put the raisins into a glass of water. They sank to the bottom and stayed there.
Next we put the raisins into a glass of 7-up. They also sank to the bottom in the beginning but then they began to move up and down in the glass as if they were dancing!
We drew pictures of what happened when the raisons went into the water and what happened when the raisons went into the 7-up.
Explanation: The tiny bubbles of carbon dioxide stick to the raisins at the bottom of the glass and carry them up to the surface. Once enough of the bubbles pop, the raisins sink down again, and then begin collecting more bubbles.