We have been working very hard over the past number of months to ensure the safety and protection of your children in our care.
Here are some of the things we have achieved so far:
· One way walking system clearly laid out in school building.
· External sanitising station
· Natural staggered arrival times in the morning.
· Specific entry points upon accessing and leaving the school building outlined clearly on the ground.
· Main gate is open at opening and closing times to facilitate the arrival and departure of pupils.
· All children go through a hand sanitisation process before entering and upon leaving the school building.
· Sanitisation process before and after yard times.
· Specific pods created in classrooms.
· Careful attention has been placed on the isolation of bubbles throughout the school day. Yard is divided into zones to assist with separating bubbles.
· Special Education Teachers are assigned to specific classrooms to avoid mixing with other bubbles.
· Specific entry and exit points created using spray paint and stencils.
· Shelves stocked full of sanitary and cleaning products and allocated to classrooms. Updated as per Department Guidelines.
· Sanitising dispensers installed both inside and outside classrooms.
· Covid 19 and Public Health Guideline posters displayed throughout the school building.
· Daily cleaning by all staff members during the day and after school by cleaner.
· Deep clean of school completed during mid-term break.
· Blue roll dispensers installed.
· Specific bins in each classroom for paper towels.
· Recalled products (29th October) gathered and replaced by principal and cleaner.